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Derek Jorden


Derek Jorden


Partner Relations Manager, Trainer

Email Derek


Derek began his efforts in prevention in 2004. Just prior to that, his love for telling stories led to a degree in theater from Florida Atlantic University. These two parts of his life merged a few years later when Derek connected with PRI and he has been contributing in various ways since. Now working part time with PRI, Derek is involved in trainings and conferences across the country, as well as in his own community in coastal Georgia. The message of Prime For Life--protecting what is most important to us--is a story that all need to hear. Derek is blessed to be able to share that story today.

Derek is a dad to two energetic boys, two active dogs, and two rambunctious cats. He spends most of his day trying to figure out how he can fit them all, plus his wife, onto one bicycle. Wouldn’t that be a sight!

Presentation Topic

    What If: Warning Signs on the Road through High-Risk Choices (Approx 80 minutes)

  • Through this deeply personal account, Derek weaves the science of alcohol and drug use to describe his progression from good kid to impaired driver. Just like he didn’t see the green light change to yellow then red, he was too caught up in his high-risk choices to see the dangers ahead. A clearer vision shows us the warning signs of increasing risk and how to reverse course through low-risk choices.

Video Samples


  • "The feedback from Derek’s presentation, his visits to theatre and exercise science classes, and his interaction with our students was wonderful. All ages enjoyed hearing his stories and how his choices impacted his life. His honesty, genuineness, and forthrightness were recognized and respected. Furthermore, we appreciated how Derek helped launch our NCAA CHOICES Grant by reiterating the messages we are wanting to emphasize about low and high risk choices. We would highly recommend Derek to speak to any and all ages in regards to alcohol education."

    -Dr. Kristi Leonard, Central College Assistant Dean of Students

In the Media


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Insurance/Certificate of Coverage

    Prevention Research Institute can provide a Certificate of Coverage if insurance is required.

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