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myPRIME® Program

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ligula purus, viverra sed vehicula at, vestibulum vel nulla. Nulla facilisi. Nullam dolor dui, tempus vel luctus ut, interdum eget lectus. Etiam quam massa, sagittis vitae blandit eget, bibendum laoreet nisi. "
Ray Daugherty, President PRI

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What Is myPRIME®?

myPRIME® is a web-delivered, personalized version of the PRIME for Life® program. Similar to PRIME For Life® delivered in the classroom, myPRIME® is designed to change drinking and drug use behaviors by helping participants learn to reduce their risk of alcohol and drug related problems throughout a lifetime.

Why Was myPRIME® Developed?

myPRIME® was developed in cooperation with the US Army to provide soldiers with a tool that gives them the ability to assess their high-risk behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes, about drugs and alcohol.

Offering the PRIME For Life® classroom curriculum to soldiers who are geographically dispersed is often quite difficult. myPRIME's e-learning approach enables the Army to better serve deployed and geographically dispersed soldiers who are either "in theater" or barracks overseas.

After more than a decade of increased stress on soldiers, the Army identified an increased need for Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) services, specifically for soldiers "in theater" or not within travel distance of servicing ASAP offices. As a result, the Army assembled a team to explore the feasibility of converting existing face-to-face behavioral change intervention of PRIME For Life® into an online e-learning program. After the development and testing of prototype modules and a series of Soldier focus groups, the concept proved worthy of development.

myPRIME® is used as a self-assessment and intervention training tool to allow individuals, from the privacy of their own homes and on their own time, to begin exploring their high-risk alcohol and drug use attitudes and behaviors.