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Publications and Presentations

Peer Reviewed Publications

Methods for quantifying the clinical significance of change during intervention program participation (Evaluation in the Health Professions, 2016) (Online abstract) (Summary of article)

Operating under the influence: Three year recidivism rates for motivation-enhancing versus standard care programs (Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2015)

Short-term outcomes of a motivation-enhancing approach to DUI intervention (Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012) 

Reports of past alcohol and drug use following participation in a motivation enhancing intervention: Implications for clinical assessment and program evaluation (Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, & Policy, 2012)

A comparison of two measures of low response to alcohol among heavy drinking male college students: Implications for indicated prevention (Prevention Science, 2002)

Alcohol Education in Schools: Toward a Lifestyle Risk-Reduction Approach (Journal of School Health, 1984)

Conference Presentations

Characteristics of young adult impaired driving offenders and response to indicated prevention (Society for Prevention Research, 2013) (PDF 284 KB)

Latent transition analysis versus traditional methods for assessing clinical significance (Society for Prevention Research, 2013) (PDF 379 KB)

Recidivism rates for a motivation-enhancing intervention versus other or no program (Utah Fall Substance Abuse Conference, 2012) (PDF 329 KB)

Operating under the influence offenders: Three year recidivism rates for a motivation-enhancing intervention versus an alternative program (Research Society on Alcoholism, 2012) (PDF 489 KB)

Short-term outcomes for indicated prevention in a DUI population: Comparison of Prime For Life with another non-confrontational program (Research Society on Alcoholism, 2010) (PDF 140 KB)