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PRIME Solutions training

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ligula purus, viverra sed. Nulla facilisi. Nullam dolor dui, tempus vel luctus ut, interdum eget lectus. Etiam quam massa, sagittis vitae blandit eget, bibendum laoreet nisi. "
Ray Daugherty, President PRI



What kinds of PRIME Solutions training events are available?

PRI offers several different in person training events and webinars.

In Person PRIME Solutions Training Sessions

PRIME Solutions Webinars - these webinars are accessible anywhere there is an internet connection.

Standard Counselor Training Webinar - give you more in-depth information about the trainings, and help you decide if you want to attend a classroom training. These webinars are open to instructors and counselors.

Advanced Counselor Training Webinars - available for counselors who have either completed the PRIME Solutions Standard Webinar or attended an "in person" PRIME Solutions training event. We will discuss solutions for implementation, navigation tips for the PRIME Solutions Online Manual, and have time to answer any questions you may have.



What will I learn in a PRIME Solutions Training?

Here's what you'll learn...

A client-centered approach that involves tailoring each session to the specific needs of your client, rather than providing the same "formula" for everyone.

  •     How to identify and work with
  •     How to use your verbal and listening skills to establish a supportive environment for your clients.


PRIME Solution curriculum includes over 25 multimedia training modules with an emphasis on practice. The benefits of training on your own schedule are instantaneous.


PRIME Solutions eLearning — A deep library of online, modular programs and courses that leverage the strengths of the web to create a high-impact, interactive eLearning experience. Our eLearning curriculum consists of approximately x hours of modular training that is completely integrated with instructor-led courses.

After completing an in-person PRIME Solutions training and signing a counselor agreement, counselors will be given access to the PRIME Solutions online manual and resources. At the training, counselors will experience select PRIME Solutions session topics, an orientation and overview of the PRIME Solutions Counselor Manual, and skill development and practice to prepare them to facilitate the materials with clients after the training.